Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 6th February 2023

I'm off to Liverpool today! Yay!

Before I can go, though, I must finish packing, check E's supplies, make sure the carers know where I'll be (and all that goes with that), and make sure sons 1 and 2 are sorted and there are no outstanding questions.

At around 10:30 a.m. I'm ready to hit the road (jack, though I will be coming back).  I will make a detour via the shops to post a poo sample (bowel cancer test, not hate mail, just to be clear), and buy some food and a coffee (all of which are cheaper than on the motorway).   In the supermarket, I was ambushed by a Snickers bar, so I added that to my basket too.

I've arrived in L'pool, after a brief natural break.

After unloading, I watch two more episodes of 'Happy Valley', series 2.  I'm not good at binge-watching (I always feel guilty about watching TV and feel I should be using my time better) and so stop at this point and read more of 'Ulysses'.

Q and her daughter arrive home together and then Q starts making dinner.

Over dinner, we discussed ChatGPT and the issues raised by the recent Emily Atack BBC documentary called 'Asking For It?' and misogyny in general.

We adjourned to the lounge to watch the last two episodes of 'Happy Valley' series 2.  The final series awaits.

To bed and sleep via more conversation.

Todd Rundgren / 'Wailing Wall' / 'Runt. The Ballad Of Todd Rundgren'



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