Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 16th February 2023

Today is the big day (well, perhaps I exaggerate? I have been accused of being overly dramatic already today), as I have my 360-degree health check this morning.  It scheduled to last three hours, and it's started already as I'm not allowed to eat until they've taken my blood.  Water is all I can have. It's worse than prison. At least you get bread as well. (Ooops! Dramatic mode has been turned on again, in error.)

It turns out that not eating for a few hours and drinking only water is not that bad after all, as has already been suggested.

The appointed hour is here.  Time to drive to the appointment.

I'm back and ready for lunch. How did it go? I think the main message I took away is that I need to exercise more, eat less and get up from my desk more frequently.  In essence I need to lose weight. I also have wax in my ears that needs removing - time for Earol! Pardon? I won't get the full results from the health check for 10 days, as some tests take longer, but if I was a car and this had been an MOT, then I passed with a few advisories.  One of the mobility tests was challenging, and I suggested it was like walking and chewing gum at the same time (old joke, which I don't think she got!)  I think she was taking the piss. Literally.  That test was passed too.  After an hour and half with the 'nurse', it was then time to see the doctor.  I had a very thorough physical, not a finger in the air job. (It was worse than that!) My blood test results were available by the time I joined the doctor in his room, and he was pleased with those, especially how low my cholesterol level is now (I guess statins work?) In fact, he was so impressed with my blood test results that he started talking about them a second time, 'your blood is really good', and looking really impressed. (Gold star, maybe?) Not necessarily that exciting for me, but probably a good reason to stay well clear of vampires - too good a vintage, perhaps?

Back to work and catching up on lost time.

I had an opportunity to attend a Zoom call which was a reading from 'Ulysses' at Sweny's pharmacy in Dublin (which Q and I visited back in December), but unfortunately I ran out of time. Perhaps they recorded it! I want to go back there when I'm next in Dublin!

I started making dinner, and, just before serving, we had the rest of E's meds delivered, via the same friend, who I thanked before returning to the dinner.  Hopefully, we won't need anything else for a while.  Fingers crossed.

I've served dinner and we're all sitting down and eating together, initially watching 'Travel Man' with Joe Lycett guessed it, Dublin.

After that we watched Frankie Boyle's 2022 end of year special. Very funny.

Feels like it's time to head up for bed and end the day in the usual way.

The Brian Jonestown Massacre / 'Fudge' / 'The Future Is Your Past'



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