Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 26th February 2023

Liverpool late start which begins with bacon, scrambled egg, and toast with Q.

There's a vague plan for today which, at the very least, means I'll be going in search of 'The Observer'.

Q and I are going to walk to the local Spar to get 'The Observer' and then head out to the shops beginning with B&M and going wild by following that up with a trip to Tesco. Adventures!  Whilst we're out Q's daughter will be recording an online interview with a law firm, so we'll not be recording until she's finished that.

B&M turns out to be an Aladdin's cave of stuff, as wildly varied as you can imagine. Well, maybe not THAT wild! Control yourselves, please.

B&M, and perhaps even more so, Tesco, are heaving with people, the number of people is more akin to Christmas shopping, Trollies every- bleedin'-where.  If you could perform a satellite scan for filler and Botox, this place on this Sunday morning would be a hotspot.

We're back now, the interview has been recorded, and it's time to make lunch. The fridge contains two unused sourdough pizza doughs (doh!) and so Q decides to make a couple of pizzas for lunch.  It looks very easy, at least once the dough is stretched, and I'm thinking maybe we should do this at home, but I need to work out the costs - Wednesdays may never be the same.

Inspired by TikTok, Q has decided on a possible business venture which just needs creative input and no capital outlay.  She and I are going to come up with some designs.  My ideas will be inspired, initially at least, by quotes from James Joyce.

Mid-afternoon, Q and I had a video chat with son #3 to discuss his dissertation and a necessary change of tack.  Hopefully, Q's suggestions and advice will set him on the right track.

We're having roast chicken for dinner tonight, with all the trimmings, and I help by peeling potatoes and carrots, before adopting my normal role of washer-upper, table layer etc.

Son #1 has supplied us with an email to review before he sends it off to his university well-being team.  He's done a good job and Q and I suggest a few tweaks which would strengthen the message before sending it off to be there first thing Monday morning.

We all sat and watched a programme about Otters in Singapore before heading to bed.

Pink Mountaintops / 'Nervous Breakdown' / 'Peacock Pools'



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