Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 9th October 2021

Saturday comes around again, but everything's weird. No carers because E's not here, and planning the day around my visit to hospital, which I have to book a time slot for.

Got loads of chores to do, so I get on with those.  I've booked a slot to visit E, though she's been moved from AMU to a different ward, as expected. Typically people only stay on AMU for 24 hours before being moved to the appropriate ward, so this is very much according to plan.

Eventually the time to go to hospital arrives and I head off with three bottles of E's feed, because it's quite an unusual one and the hospital don't stock it. Hopefully it will be enough, though it does depend how long they will keep her in.

As yesterday, E's asleep throughout my visit, only opening her eyes when her cough wakes her momentarily. She's doing OK, but still on IV drip for both saline and antibiotics, so no real news other than she'll be staying in at least until Monday.

On my return I call my mother-in-law, just to update her on E's status. She's not feeling well but is glad of the news. It's kind of scary that I'm almost her only lifeline for reasons I can't expand on here (it's not my story to tell).  I really don't need the added responsibility of having to worry about someone else's well-being: my plate is full enough already.

I've been feeling shit for best part of a week now, but haven't been able to work out why: a combination of insomnia, dizziness, headache, mild diarrhoea, feeling sick, abdominal pain, and upset stomach. Whilst at the hospital, reminded of the reason I felt this shit earlier, I decided to read the side-effects of Sertraline, just in case. Jesus! Most of the symptoms I'm experiencing are listed under the category 'Very Common (may affect more than 1 in 10 people)'. On the plus side I'm now reasonably confident I haven't undone my hernia surgery, but am wondering how long I will experience this for.  I'm due to speak to my GP on Tuesday so we will be discussing the side-effects as well as the continuation of the medication.

In the evening son #2 and I watch the first episode of the series 'The Man In The High Castle', rather than watch a film because we're running late and I have to get up reasonably early tomorrow. I've read the book, many years ago, but I think the series deviates from the book in significant ways. We shall see how it goes!

I'm trying out some lavender / chamomile pillow spray that's supposed to be calming and help you sleep. Got nothing to lose! Unless the wheels fall off, tomorrow should be a good day out. 

Basement Jaxx / 'Romeo' / 'Rooty' 

[[Rules are obviously only made so they can be broken, and so in this is a music video I do like, unlike the vast majority of them. I wish I could dance like that!]]



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