Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 21st October 2021

Not wanting to sound like a stuck record, but this post is most likely to be a repeat of yesterday's, being both short and work-dominated.  If I could stop and think I'm sure there's something I could muse upon, but frankly my brain cycles are all used up in the service of a couple of subjects.

For the first time in aeons I slept until the alarm woke me and could have slept on but the expected early arrival of our cleaner meant that I had to get myself out of bed.  I realise this may be a one-off and no guarantee of more undisturbed sleep, but it's a start.

For a chunk of the morning and early afternoon I've been feeling mildly dizzy which is sadly another of the Sertraline common side-effects, which have still not gone away completely.  Having once almost fainted after giving blood (rather foolishly I'd not eaten beforehand, so when I got off the bed after being drained I found my head spinning and had to be assisted by a nurse (any excuse!)), so ever since I find feeling dizzy somewhat disconcerting, not to mention there are no nurses to hand.

In the evening it was the return of the Idler drinks, with tonight's guest being Akash Kapur talking from New York about his experience of life on a commune, specifically Auroville in South India. Auroville describes itself thus: 'Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity.' (If you're interested, you can read more here) Another fascinating talk followed by a great catch up with a growing group of Idler friends.

Whilst I was enjoying myself, son #2 had made dinner, which was really nice and much appreciated, and we sat down together and watched another episode of 'The Man In The High Castle'. 

My day has been peppered with chats with a friend and closed with one too, before I read a little and headed tentatively towards the elusive realm of sleep.

Everything But The Girl / 'The Spice Of Life' / 'Eden' 



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