Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 14th October 2021

All being well, this should be quite a day.  I am working today and it's looking like a busy day ahead, including the planned return of E from hospital.

Based on yesterday's conversation with E's care company, I decided to call and check that they had the go ahead from social services to restart care today. Sadly, the answer was no, they didn't.  A hasty call to E's current social worker followed and she agreed to take responsibility for establishing the status and, if necessary, getting approval in place.

Meantime I called the hospital to confirm that the doctors were happy for E to leave today, which they are, with a planned return in time for the 'tea' carer call (typically between 2 and 3 pm).  

Whilst all these wheels were in motion, I got a text from a friend who works in a local pharmacy offering to drop round my antidepressants which I'll need from tomorrow.  This is such a kind offer, especially given the challenges of today, and is much appreciated. E and I are incredibly lucky with the friends we have.  

Mid-call (I have back-to-back meetings) the phone rings and it's E's social worker confirming she's got approval for care to restart sent to the care agency and, no sooner have I put the phone down but it rings again, and this time it's the care agency confirming they have approval to restart. Things are slotting in to place and all I need now is for E to get back in time for the 'tea' call. Fingers crossed.

A little after two p.m. the carers arrive, but sadly E is still not here. Most kindly, and this was going above and beyond, they said they'd come back later if I called them when the ambulance arrived, even though one of them had finished for the day.  E duly arrived around three p.m. and I placed the call to the carers. In the meantime the ambulance crew did a great job of getting E home and back onto her bed, after which the carers arrived and properly sorted her and her bed out.  It makes such a difference when she gets settled back in so well.

I can breathe a sigh of relief and relax back into our state of abnormal normality, until the next time.

Winding down for the day, getting the dinner on with son #2 and then watching another 'The Man In The High Castle', before retiring for a chat, some reading and then sleep.

Mac DeMarco / 'On The Level' / 'This Old Dog' 



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