Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 3rd October 2021

Sleep? Who needs it! I've decided it's an outmoded concept and I'm giving it up, or has it given up on me?  Instead, I decide to get up and get showered, there's no point lying there when sleep is never going to pay me a visit.

Waiting on a message to confirm my date is covid-free, and, if so, I'll be heading off Winchester-way for a lunch meetup.  It's on! Negative PCR test, so I've got to get a move on as I've two washes to do and hang out and a third to start, which hopefully son #2 will hang out.

I'm running a bit late but the washing is on the line and the next wash is under way - an unexpected load of towels from my wife. It's got to be done as I'm off on holiday tomorrow, not back until some time on Thursday.

Back from Winchester! What a great date! There was definitely a spark and before we left we agreed we'd both like to meet again. I'm not sure who was the most excited. Thankfully the lunch was quite filling otherwise I'd've probably taken to the sky like a hot air balloon.  Let's see how it goes.

Back to more packing and getting organised for my mini-break. 

The messaging between my date and I continued apace. She suggested we compare diaries and agree a second date, once I return from Wales. Less than 30 minutes later we'd agreed two dates.  I haven't even left yet!

Whilst I'm away there may or may not be diary entries. I guess it depends how it goes, what the weather is like and more importantly if the bloody wi-fi works!

My appetite has just about returned when son #2 starts making dinner - Tuna steaks, which I love.  In the end we watch the penultimate episode of 'Smother', before clearing up and retiring to read. For what other purpose is there?

Hollie Cook / 'Lunar Addiction' / 'Vessel Of Love' 



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