Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 7th October 2021

As you may have noticed there have been no posts since Sunday, primarily because I've been away getting some necessary respite, my first since August 2019.  I had thought I might write something whilst I was away - I took a laptop - but in the event I needed total escape and couldn't summon the motivation to start a laptop.

This post will therefore be a catch-up, albeit a very limited and summarised one.

In fact that is the summary: events have taken a turn such that I've driven for four and half hours and am now waiting for an emergency ambulance to arrive to take my wife (accompanied by me) to hospital.  Luckily I managed to enlist the help of the Community Matron and we now know that my wife is suffering from sepsis and needs to be on a IV drip for both antibiotics and saline. Some score or other was discussed and my wife's score means it's straight to hospital. The ambulance crew were marvellous (a shout out for South Central!) and were concerned enough about her that they arranged for us to go straight to resus, missing out the usual A&E triage process. On arrival it all got busy and crazy and messy, especially given E's veins like to hide.

Back from hospital at around 10 pm about 5 hours after I left for my first 'blues and twos' journey in an ambulance since the summer of 2018. I guess after three years you get lulled into a false sense of security, but that's all been shattered now. It turns out that it's just as stressful, upsetting and generally disorienting as it was before. It doesn't seem to get any easier and emotions are running high.   

Home to a Chinese takeaway, ordered by son #2 as he decided we both probably needed comfort food. He's not wrong, though he has ordered enough to feed 4 of us, at least.

The house is in chaos - or at least a couple of rooms are - post-ambulance and post-return from respite. It's gonna have to stay that way until tomorrow, 'cos I'm knackered and I've had enough for one day.

Another attempt at a trip into night world...

Microdisney / 'Ambulance For One' / '39 Minutes' 

[[I have broken one of my rules in sharing this: it's not been put up on YouTube by the band or the record company, but I like the song so much, it's about time. The title may make you think it's relevant, or maybe half relevant (!), and, maybe it is, maybe it isn't...]]



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