Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 30th September 2021

A slightly better night's sleep using one of the sleep apps, though I'm not sure it was the app or just tiredness from the previous night.  Either way I got off to sleep quicker, though I still woke sometime around 5 a.m. again.

Son #2 suggested I don't look at the clock if I wake before the alarm, which is something I used to follow, but it's so long since I've slept this badly (well, essentially it dates back to before I started taking the anti-depressants) that it's a habit I'd broken.

A working day and a rainy one, the morning only punctuated by a quick trip to the Post Office to send some Halloween goodies to a friend. Back after a little journey out in the car! 

Work was my focus until around 6 p.m. when I joined the Idler drinks with Jessie Cave (actress, author, illustrator, mum and more).  Apart from the fact that she was in several Harry Potter films, I can't say I honestly knew that much about her, but, as always, it was very interesting and what she had to say was very moving and must have taken strength to talk about, not to mention be so upbeat about. Afterwards a long chat with the usual suspects, about Jessie's talk and more.  

I started making my dinner, something simple and microwaveable as I'm on my own for dinner tonight (son #2's gone out to another work do!), though as I'm nuking it, he returns home.  Nevertheless I eat and watch TV alone as he's chatting with his gf.

After that to bed, to read and then hopefully to sleep.

Uniiqu3 / 'Microdosing' / 'Microdosing (single)'



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