Tales From The Crypt - Monday 11th October 2021

Days are a little different at the moment. E's still in hospital, and hopefully today she'll be coming out, all being well, though it depends what the consultant/doctor thinks.

I had plans for the day but they have to be fairly fluid - only when I speak to the hospital will I know what's happening and then I'll decide how I'll spend my day.

Had a call from the hospital dietitian asking me to bring in more of the feed and some of the protein liquid, since the hospital stocks neither of them. Clearly she'll not be coming home today. I arrange a visit and resolve to see E's nurse as there are a few things I need to know and also tell her.

Back from the hospital. Mission accomplished. E still asleep all the time I was there but I spoke to her and stroked her, so hopefully she knows I've been in.  She's stable but still on antibiotics through the IV, so until the course of antibiotics through the IV is over, they'll not be considering letting her come home. Given the covid risk associated with long stays in hospital, I have to assume that they believe the risk of sending her home without clearing the infection is greater.

I've had a few calls with friends today, including a video call with a very good school friend.

Son #2 and I make dinner the watch another episode of 'The Man In The High Castle', before I retire for a call with a friend.

Junior Senior / 'Move Your Feet' / 'D-D-Don't Don't Stop the Beat' 



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