Tales From The Crypt - Friday 8th October 2021

This is not the Friday I was looking for. Up late because I am tired after yesterday's non-stop action. Need to contact work about situation as I'm not sure I can work, certainly in no fit state at the moment.

Work have kindly agreed that I should focus on my wife today and update them over the weekend as some sort of plan emerges.  

I call the hospital for an update and also to arrange a visit. It is possible to visit but you have to book a 30 minute slot, for only one person, wearing a mask and only once a day. I guess it's better than not being able to visit at all, so I'll take it.  My sister is working at the hospital today, so I'll visit her for a catch up and then go and visit E.

Before visiting the hospital, however, I need to address the chaos left over from yesterday's hurried return and departure.

Back from hospital. I had a good catch-up with my sister for 30 minutes or so before I headed to the AMU to see E. She's looking well and we enjoy sharing each other's news, and then she walks with me to the AMU. When I arrive I'm greeted by the staff nurse who's looking after E. E is absolutely and deeply asleep but looking comfortable. She's off oxygen now, which is good, but still on the saline and antibiotic drip. Apparently she's responding well, though her blood pressure remains low. The blood culture detected bacteria they could not identify, and so they want to keep her in to see what happens and then, once the bacteria are identified, treat them with a targeted antibiotic. Guess we just have to wait and see. The nurse wanted me to bring in some of E's feed, because it's a non-standard one they don't stock.  That'll have to wait until tomorrow's visit.

It's all been pretty draining today but I phone my mother-in-law and elder sister for a chat and to update them on E's progress. I can't quite get used to E not being here: every time I go past her bed I go to say 'hello' but she's not there. It's been such a long time since the bed was empty.

Son #2 makes dinner and we eat apart but get together to watch the final episode of 'Smother'.  An intriguing ending to the story about a thoroughly dysfunctional family.

I retire to bed for a phone chat with a friend, closing off my day before reading in the hope of.

Katy B / 'Under My Skin' / 'Under My Skin (single)' 



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