Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 12th October 2021

Overnight I got pinged by Track & Trace and it appears that I was in proximity to someone with Covid on Thursday, presumably whilst I was in the hospital.  As I don't have any symptoms and am double-vaccinated, I don't have to self-isolate but I have booked a PCR test today, just in case.

Back to work for a bit then heading off to get my PCR test done...

...PCR test done, annoyingly it was a DIY centre, so hopefully I did it OK, it's not so easy in a car. I should hear within four days (which seems a staggeringly long time) though the centre was pretty busy, with people coming and going all the time.

Returned from the PCR test to work, until I'm interrupted mid-meeting by a call from my GP which I have to take.  Three vital things to discuss: the side-effects of Sertraline, is it working (mood-wise) and I'm running out on Friday and need more. We've agreed that I'll stick with Sertraline for three more weeks, by which time I will hopefully have either gotten used to it or it'll be time to change to something else and play another round of side-effects bingo. I'll be speaking to my GP in three weeks and we'll see where I am.

Work dominates the rest of the day until my counselling session at four thirty.  Another really good session consolidating on the previous weeks and what I've learned during the past week (both positive and negative). Overall I feel quite uplifted afterwards: it does seem like I am making progress.  Probably just as well as I only have two more sessions left, with a two-week break as my counsellor is on leave, which is probably good timing and lets me see if I am still on track.

I managed to find time to grab a few chats with a friend across the day, which was good.  

E is staying in hospital at least until tomorrow as she's still on antibiotics through the IV line, and until that is completed they'll not let her go.

Son #2 is having another two hour driving lesson this evening, so I'll have dinner ready for his return, though he'll be eating and spending the evening with his gf, virtually, so I'll probably watch a bit of TV and maybe have a call with a friend.

The evening is coming to a close and it's time to attempt to wrestle some sleep out of the night.

Rhi / 'Night Driving' / 'Reverie' 



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