Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 19th October 2021

A day devoted to work, pretty much, with the odd non-work interlude.

The morning was interrupted by a visit from the Community Matrons, just checking on E, her discharge letter, and the usual measurements. I did learn one thing which wasn't apparent to me from the discharge letter: apparently E's left lung has an area that the bottom that has fluid in it meaning that it doesn't take in as much oxygen as it could.  I was also reminded by the CM that there is a sepsis chart on the wall and that if I note any of the listed red flags I should just call 999.  I have to familiarise myself with it so I can gain confidence in making that call.

In the evening I went out for a book club gathering to meet friends who'd moved to Denmark but were back for a couple of days rather than to discuss a book (just as well as I've finished neither of the last two, so far!) Several of us attended and it was good to catch up with everyone again having missed the last two meetings.

Got back reasonably early after a great evening out, and took the opportunity to catch up with a friend before retiring to read and sleep, or at least to attempt to sleep.

Tom Hickox / 'White Roses Red' / 'War, Peace and Diplomacy' 



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