Tales From The Crypt - Monday 18th October 2021

Unexpectedly the return of yoga in person today has been delayed by the teacher remaining in Morocco a week longer.  I should probably follow one of the videos but the day got off to a disrupted start and so plans have gone out the window.

Son #2 has this week off on leave and so we may do something together later, dependent on the weather and the time he emerges from his slumbers.

In the meantime I've been catching up with a friend and getting various tedious things organised, things too tedious to mention.

Son #2 is up and making lunch with me - we now have a plan: I'm going to spend an hour or so playing a computer game with him, a game which he assures me is really simple and only requires use of two buttons on the game controller.  This is his polite way of telling me it's a game which doesn't require much coordination or ability to remember what button does what, in short a game even a monkey could get the hang of.  Let's hope I don't fall short of a monkey's abilities!

Just finished playing Warioware with son #2 - it was quite good fun and I can report that I am at least the equal of a monkey, skill-wise. Quite an achievement, though I do say so myself.  More importantly I spent an hour of time with my son sharing something he enjoys and I did too.  This is priceless, monkey or no monkey.

Son #2 is out this evening, so I eat alone, watch another episode of the science fiction documentary before retiring to bed for more chats.

Doves / 'Catch The Sun' / 'Lost Souls' 



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