Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 18th November 2021

Up early for the cleaner, followed a little later by the first carer of the day. Mornings have been fairly cold this week so the carer, who I'll call Kay (this is not her name!), mentioned she was wearing an additional layer under her uniform.  She went on to say she'd normally wear a scarf which is easy to remove, a necessity as the morning progresses and warms up and also because many client homes are extremely warm. She did then suggest she may have to remove the additional layer later, so, being very kind, I suggested she could change here and, what's more, I'd be happy to hold her uniform whilst she did so. She left the house laughing. More on this after her return at lunchtime.

In the meantime...

Kay returns and is still wearing the additional layer, which she informs me she'll be retaining, though I'm sure my kind offer was appreciated. Both carers tell me about a large penis that was on 'This Morning', a source of much hilarity and unrepeatable ribaldry.  I'm not Philip Schofield's biggest fan, but nevertheless it seemed a harsh description.

This evening's Idler drinks is with Guy Watson-Singh, who is the founder of Riverford Organic farms etc. An enjoyable discussion with an excellent rant on COP26 and fossil fuels, it was good to see someone so passionate about what they believe.  The after chat went on for a little over an hour and was fun and a great catch up with friends.

Son #2 made dinner whilst I was idling, and I ate alone watching more the Zappa documentary, before retiring for what is now my customary end to the day when I'm at home.

SCALPING / 'Deadlock' / 'Deadlock (Single)' 



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