Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 23rd November 2021

Back to work Tuesday, but a little odd because E is in hospital, so my day doesn't start with a visit from the carers.  Even more unusual, I actually slept through until ten past six, which is a rarity indeed.  I'm guessing I slept through in part because I wasn't on orange alert listening out for something going wrong for E. I guess if that happens again tonight, it may well be true.

Whilst predominantly a working day, I've had to get some work done on my car (amazingly though I was booked in to have three tyres changed, amongst other things, they convinced me only one needed changing, saving me a lot of money!) and also keep in touch with the hospital.

News from the hospital is that E is doing OK, responding to the antibiotics, but will stay in overnight tonight. Sounds like there's a chance she'll be home before the weekend, which would be good, and far better for her.

In the early evening I have a chat with a friend who is over 3000 miles away and calling from a cash tent.  It was good to catch up and after returning to work again it was time to phone my mother-in-law to see how her recovery is going and to update her with news about her daughter. We had a long chat, which was good.  After that a catch up with my little sister who had some good news which I hope works out well.  Life is too short. Carpe diem and all that...

I made dinner accompanied by the marching bands of New Orleans, or, more accurately by my mega playlist, which actually features no music by marching bands, primarily because in the tea stakes (which I don't like) they are not my cup, mug or other vessel.

Son #2 and I ate dinner together accompanied by Frankie Boyle and guests, during which I never fail to laugh out loud.  More music (I am in the process of creating two New Year's Eve playlists, one for dancing and one, potentially, for me to sing to), a bit of tedious admin then heading bedwards.

The xx / 'Say Something Loving' / 'I See You' (Jimmy)



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