Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 2nd November 2021

Back to work, of course, so the usual stuff applies.

Mid-work video call my GP calls to discuss the progress of my acclimatisation to Sertraline (Sertraline, Sertraline wherefore art thou, Sertraline?) which has gradually changed from sick as a parrot to closer to over the moon, on which basis she agrees to order more and put it on repeat / rewind, all being well.  She also asked about my flu vaccination status suggesting it would be good for my stress levels if I was vaccinated and therefore less of a risk to my wife. Though I believe I have an appointment, when she searches on the system she can't find me, and therefore asks if I can come to the surgery at 12:30 today and she'll jab me there and then. Naturally I take up the offer. Tomorrow E gets double-jabbed: flu and Covid booster (Bleep and...)

Mid-morning there's another surprise: the Community Matron arrives to check on E, and is fully up to date with the catheter shenanigans, and luckily E's readings are all fine, so no lasting effects.

Back from surgery with a jabbed left arm, by way of a conversation with a friend whilst returning home.  I have a stinking cold (mainly sore throat) so I might as well take it all in one hit.

The rest of the day is a series of meetings until my penultimate counselling session at 4:30 p.m.  This turns out to be one of the frankest discussions we've had, but is all the more useful and productive for it. Towards the end of the call, when she reminds me that next week is our last, she suggests it would be useful to have a follow-up in a few months time, just to make sure progress continues. I have to say she is a wonderful counsellor and has been immensely helpful and flexible in her approach - none of this '7 meetings and that's the end of it' stuff, leaving you dangling.

I started dinner ahead of son #2 and I watching a HIGNFY before heading for bed to conversation and sleep, if it's on offer.

Anna Calvi / 'Chain' / 'Hunter' 



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