Tales From The Crypt - Monday 15th November 2021

Not a working day, but equally not a lot to say. Too busy doing things to stop and think/write about it. Most noteworthy ('All The News That's Fit To Print') is my return home mid-afternoon, returning to the usual tidying and organising.

Son #2's cold is getting worse again, so he's a little under the weather, but is taking stuff to control it. These damn colds that are going around at the moment are hard to get rid off - mine has also not quite gone.

When the carers come for the evening call, they surprise me with an invitation I can't refuse: they are holding a New Year's Eve party, with secret presents, dancing, karaoke (they expect me to sing! Be careful what you wish for! (I hope the RSPCA aren't called out by a concerned neighbour)), food (noodles are apparently traditional for NYE - the longer they are the longer you'll live (the mind boggles!)) and, naturally, loads of alcohol. They both seem excited about the prospect, so naturally I accept. I hope Jools doesn't mind.

In the evening son #2 and I make dinner (he does most of it to be fair) and initially I eat alone, while watching the start of an excellent documentary on Frank Zappa, before being joined by son #2 (who else?) to watch the most recent HIGNFY.

After clearing up I retire for a chat and, hopefully (I am quite tired), for sleep. Work tomorrow!

The Lemonheads / 'If I Could Talk I'd Tell You' / 'Car Button Cloth' 



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