Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 11th November 2021

Thursday is the new Friday, at least it is this week as I am on leave tomorrow.  Consequently there are a lot of work things I need to complete or set in train, most importantly my balanced score card for the end of year review/calibration process.  

Suffice it to say I got the scorecard done and, as far as I know, all the other things I needed to complete. A successful day at work.

Son #1 has had some kind of lurgy all week, so there's a lot of chat today about whether he should come home for his mum's birthday or not tomorrow

Thursday means the Idler drinks again and tonight's guest is management expert Charles Handy.  Despite being 89, Charles is still a great speaker and thinker, as his answers to questions from the 'audience' demonstrate. Afterwards the usual suspects, give or take, hang around for a chat, and as always it's lively and fun.

Son #2 kindly made dinner while I was enjoying myself, and I eat it while watching more Frankie Boyle. A day with scattered chats with friends, which makes a day so much more enjoyable.

The The / 'Sodium Light Baby' / 'Dusk' 



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