Tales From the Crypt - Wednesday 3rd November 2021

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, a man spent an entire day working away, without play and so had nothing much to say.  I am that man.

I do have a cold, but just to be on the safe side I did another lateral flow test, which came back negative. It feels like a cold (remember those?) and I feel as fit as a fiddle otherwise, so I guess it ain't 'My Sharona'. I wonder why fiddles are considered to be fit? They are not living creatures, they are not sentient, surely a fiddle is the very epitome of unfit or at least neither fit nor unfit, a simple zero on the fitness scale. So, actually, I am considerably fitter than a fiddle, in case anyone is worried.

Mid-morning a nurse arrived to give my wife both the flu jab and her Covid booster (Pfizer, intriguingly). Not only that but she had come prepared to to puncture me twice as well - in stark contrast to the policy for the previous two years.  Given I had my flu jab yesterday I couldn't have that and also given my second Covid jab was less than 6 months ago (by a few weeks), she couldn't give me that either, which was a shame. She was very chatty, and was nice company for 15 minutes while she waited to check that E had no adverse reaction to the Pfizer jab.

The day was enlivened with some chats with a friend, otherwise it was the usual stuff - dinner, HIGNFY, and bins with son #2 before sleep.

Ready to do it all over again tomorrow...

Bent / 'Private Road' / 'Programmed To Love' 



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