Tales From The Crypt - Friday 12th November 2021

E's birthday today and so, in time-honoured tradition, I have the day off as annual leave. Once upon a time this would have meant a day shopping somewhere interesting and a meal out in the evening, but those days are a distant memory. Celebrations are comparatively subdued these days - no food or drink since neither are safe any more - but will involve the temporary return from uni of sons 1 and 3 (I am not a number! I'm a free man!) to celebrate fully. One never knows which will be the last.

The carers bring E a plant for her birthday, which is very kind. There is only one problem - it is up to me to care for it and not kill it, and they'll be visiting regularly and will see how I'm doing. The pressure!!! I consider a handful of the carers part of our family and their kindness and generosity has gone above and beyond.

I have a long conversation with son #1 about his health and whether or not he should really come home, but in the end, based on a couple of negative lateral flow tests, the fact that he's feeling better rather than worse and that he can still taste and smell (cue dad joke), we agree that it's his decision.

Given I have no clear idea when the boys will return, I decide to open all E's cards and give her some of my presents, though I have more from my sisters to open as well as those from the boys.

In the afternoon, in lieu of the boys return, I have a call with a friend in Berlin, a long-overdue catch up.  It appears that the Covid situation in Germany is worsening, primarily due to a larger anti-vax movement there compared to the UK's squad of lunatics and conspiracy nutters. (Sorry, interrupted briefly by Bill Gates asking if my office is comfortable!) Where was I?

Other calls with friends take place throughout the day until a conversation with son #3 indicates that his gf will be staying behind at his flat as she's not feeling well. He messages: 'I've told her everything she needs to know' and the child in me can't resist replying, 'That'll save time on her degree course', with a straight face.  He pretends he's not amused, though I know inwardly he thinks my reply hilarious.

Son #3 returns before the final carer call of the day, alone, but there's still no word on son #1 and his gf.  

Early evening moves on and we begin making dinner in the expectation that the latecomers will return by the time it's served.  

We three meet at the appointed hour to eat without son #1 and his gf, though as we are finishing, the front door jingles signalling their arrival. It's too late to give E any more presents, since she is fast asleep, so her birthday will extend across the weekend.  Instead three becomes five as we finish eating out of sync.

A 'New World Order' watched together before son #3 returns to his unwell, but incredibly well-educated, gf.

I retire to my bedroom for more chat whilst the remaining three play some game or other on the Nintendo Switch in the living room.

Kadhja Bonet / 'For You' / 'For You (Single)' 



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