Tales From The Crypt - Monday 29th November 2021

For the first time in ages, an almost normal Monday. I will be going to yoga for 10:00, but sadly E is still in hospital. Guess I'll find out more later.

My day started with a chat with a friend before getting ready to go to yoga, after confirming it was on and there were no new restrictions. 

It was good to go to yoga for the first time in quite a few weeks: hopefully I will be able to attend for the final Mondays leading up to Christmas. I was welcomed back and everyone was pleased to see me, which was nice.

Drove home via the filling station and pharmacy (to collect some meds for E) and called the hospital for an update. It's now looking like E won't be home before Wednesday and they need me to bring more bottles of feed, so I've decided I'll take in enough until Friday when I go to the hospital for an outpatient's appointment tomorrow.

The afternoon somehow disappeared, despite me not achieving very much at all, but I guess it was moderately relaxing.

In the evening I had calls with my mother-in-law and big sister interspersed with chats with a friend.

Son #2 and I had dinner together while watching the most recent episode of HIGNFY, featuring Peppa Pig.

Cleared up after dinner then had a call with a friend before getting ready for bed and the unpredictable thing called sleep.

Wet Leg / 'Wet Dream' / 'Wet Dream (Single)'

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