Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 16th November 2021

It's one of them there working days again and, as a consequence, I will most likely have little to say. 

All the usual things tick over: household chores and admin; supplies I need to order for my wife; attempting to get my mind to think about Christmas - who will be here, what presents to buy for whom, what food we'll need? (depends on who'll be here, which I don't yet know!)

The majority of my time is spent on work and in Teams and Google Meet meetings. My 'to do' list gets ever longer.

A few exchanges with friends across the day bring light and different topics to mind: many tracks, not only the main line.

Time for a conversation with my mother-in-law who is slowly recovering at home after her stay in hospital. She still doesn't sound as active or lively as before, and I'm not sure if it's the medication she's on or the effects of the fall that led to her hospital stay.  It seems odd to be telling her what to do, since she's never been one to take other people's advice, and mine has been less welcome in the past, however I do find myself encouraging her to eat more and try to ensure she does so regularly even if her appetite is low.  I think I may have to intervene in family matters as I can't sit by and let things go unsaid.

The evening arrives and I make dinner alone, accompanied by music, before son #2 and I sit down together and watch another 'New World Order'.

In bed to read and chat before sleep, though I don't feel very tired yet. 

Warpaint / 'New Song' / 'Heads Up' 

[[For the two Charlies and Mike! Yes, it's an actual bloody video! Again! From the man who hates music videos!!!]]



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