Tales From The Crypt - Father's Day and My Birthday (Sunday 19th June 2022)

Ancient & Modern (Hymn book)

Today is both my birthday and also father's day.  Not for another eleven years will they be on the same day, though they are always close together since FD is the third Sunday in June.

What's in store for me today? Later on, I'll be driving us to my home town for a combined birthday and father's day lunch with Q and my three sons, but first I'm opening a card and presents from/with Q.

After opening some thoughtful and unusual presents including an ancestry.com DNA testing kit, Q then made us a wonderful cooked breakfast starting with fruit and yoghurt and ending with marmalade on toast. YY, PB!

Before long it was time to get changed for our trip out for lunch, and yet again I'm spoilt, Q offers to drive to allow me to have some wine and so we head north.

Unsurprisingly, we arrive first, though to be fair son #3's train from Durham is running late.  As part of the settling-in process, Q hands the staff the lemon drizzle birthday cake she made me/us and some candles (not the required number, otherwise we'd be in breach of fire regulations). 

Not long after, we are quorate, though I've already started on the wine before they join us.

The meal was excellent and great fun and the staff joined our table in singing me happy birthday.  Even better still, they actually asked Q which way round the numbers were meant to go! I'm guessing a Specsavers visit is in order.

After dropping the boys home, Q and I headed south again, where we had dinner, watched the second episode of 'Sherwood' and finished off the birthday celebrations.

It has been one of the best birthdays/father's days in quite a few years and I've been incredibly well looked after - not only, that I haven't opened lots of my presents, so I'll be having my 'official' birthday tomorrow, with another cake, courtesy of Q.

Thank you, Q, for a wonderful birthday! 💓

Gwenno / 'Tresor' / 'Tresor'



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