Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 11th June 2022

Woke later than usual on Saturday.  Still have not shaken this thing off; cough, snot (is the unit of measure for snot the yard, the bucket, the Kleenex, or something else?) and headache remain.  At this point, I can't tell if things are getting any better, but it certainly doesn't feel that way.

Nevertheless, I am going to try and go to the shops to get some bread from the market and maybe some other bits of shopping. First, however, yet another lateral flow test...

...which yields a negative result again, which is good, but surprising.  

Son #3 is off to work at Microsoft doing games testing today. I've been very impressed by his determination and organisation. He is growing into an impressive young man along with his twin brothers. Good luck! To the shops for me.

Back from the shops looking forward to a chat with Q when the opportunity arises.

Still feel like this is going to be another day of chilling and doing little rather than one of getting things done (and the things that need doing are mounting up, but, well, I don't think I'm up for it).

I chose to honour 'no-mow May' in the interests of insects, wildlife etc, but the downside of this is that the lawn looks like a meadow - very natural, but in need of attention as the tall yellow weeds (I think they are Yellow Hawkweed, but who knows!) have taken over.  I feel I should attack it, but really don't feel energetic enough.

E remains in hospital, and I still cannot, in all conscience, visit her.  Apparently, they're working on a discharge plan which would see her return home on Tuesday or maybe a little later.  I think at the very least they want to finish the 'oral' antibiotics in hospital this time.  That's kind of good because I am due to pick up son #1 from university on Monday, though equally, I have plans from Thursday which I'd like to make a reality. Life is well and truly complex and busy at the moment!

Another day is coming to a close, I've done bugger-all, and 'no-mow May' is in danger of becoming 'leave it aloone June' (appalling pun, yes, I know!)

Son #2 is off out tonight (Revolving Doors) to spend the evening with friends, so son #3 and I will eat curry and watch the 'Doctor Who' 'Christmas' (New Year's Day) special, leaving us only the Sea Devils special to be up to date. 

Before sleep Q and I have our second chat of the day, and it appears there's some good news to discuss tomorrow when hopefully we will be together (very briefly) again.

Jeshi feat. Obongjayar / 'Protein' / 'Universal Credit'



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