Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 25th June 2022

Another day begins early-ish on the south coast, though today we're heading to St. Albans for lunch in an Italian restaurant.  Are there no decent Italian restaurants nearby, I hear you cry? Well, there's more to this than meets the eye. It's not just about Italian food.  Suffice it to say we'll be joined for lunch by someone special.

I haven't been to St. Albans for quite a few years, though I do have several connections with the city and I'd forgotten how old parts of it are.

After a tediously slow trip around the M25, parking was unexpectedly easy and fortuitous and the restaurant was also very close by and even closer to the cathedral.

We had a very enjoyable lunch with sparkling and amusing conversation before parting company and heading home.

The M25 was a bit kinder on the return journey via a retail park for some important shop visits.

Dinner, 'Sherwood', sleep. Repeat.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs / 'Spitting Off The Edge Of The World' / 'Cool It Down' (forthcoming)



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