Tales From The Crypt - Monday 27th June 2022

An early start before heading north on a day when Q will also be heading north later, though much further north than I'll be travelling.

First, though, packing and breakfast (for both of us).  Before I leave a plumber arrives to fix the downstairs loo.  It rapidly becomes clear this is a bigger job than anticipated, though at least he can fix it this morning. 

Not long after I depart I'm engulfed by a downpour of almost biblical proportions (no locusts or boils, thankfully) and the rain continues until my journey comes to an unexpected halt about 12 miles from home. There's been an accident requiring three fire engines and at least one ambulance, and I'm left sitting listening to music for at least an hour. We are going nowhere!

Eventually, I get home and begin clearing up a little bit of mess left by sons 2 and 3 (mostly) and surprisingly, son #3 has not left yet (he's travelling even further north than both of us) which at least means I can say goodbye properly.  A hug and warm words, and then he's gone.  At times it feels like I'm living as a student again. Nomad. No. Really mad.

Owing to the delays on the journey, I missed the second carer call of the day, so the lunchtime call is our first chance to catch up.  It turns out that E's run out of mouthwash, so I'll be heading to the shops after lunch, but first tidying up and unpacking!

The afternoon was spent concluding my Cathal Coughlan post and various bits of sorting out. There was a load of washing to do for E, so I did that and dried it in the drier. No day is complete without laundry, after all.

I started making dinner while listening to one of the Quietus's subscriber-only Spotify playlists - one of several ways I get to hear new music.  I've already heard several good things and so I imagine they'll be appearing here soon.

Ate dinner with son #1 while watching a documentary on 50 years of Glastonbury, featuring some great footage and reminiscences.

The day ended in the now customary way with a chat with Q, now very tired but settled into her hotel room in the north. I too am cream-crackered, so after a word game and starting to read the weekend's papers, I too begin to wrestle my way into the kingdom of sleep.
Orbury Common / 'Haberdashery' / (Single)

[[A great choon for shaking your donkey to!]]


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