Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 28th June 2022

A full four days of work this week. Boy, I can't wait to start!

Enough of that (...and statistics)

Started my day by spitting repeatedly into a tube (not a tuba, just to be clear. I'm not that kind of guy). This is not some new TikTok craze (as if I would know!) but to capture my DNA to find out where I come from (stork, test-tube, Neanderthal etc).  This was one of my birthday presents from Q and I'm looking forward to finding out where my forbears (or was it three bears? Guess it only takes two!) came from. One of the carers thinks I'll find out I have some Jamaican in me, though for the life of me, I can't imagine why. (No, she went of her own accord)

After spitting and then showering, I chatted with Q to see what her day has in store for her.  Sounds good. Hope she enjoys it and finds out what she needs to.

Before starting work I walked to a local post box to post my spit (the dog (look it up!), then returned to make breakfast and start work.

At some point today I'm expecting a person to come and service E's hoist and also at some unknown point our GP to visit to discuss E's long-term care.

Before I managed to fully immerse myself in work the service engineer came to check E's hoist etc. Once he left, I got started on work beginning with a planning workshop and then my tasks arising from the workshop.

...interrupted mid-morning by the community matron who has come to change the water in E's PEG balloon.  I'd forgotten that was due.

After lunch, I got a message to say that the GP was on her way and due to arrive around 3:15 P.M.

Once she arrived, we sat and had a long chat about E's care and the wider impact of that on the boys and me. It was a tough discussion at times, and, as always, I underestimate the emotional impact of some aspects. I'll not be going into what was discussed in detail here, though I will say that our GP is going to refer E to the palliative care doctors again so we can develop a detailed plan around hospital admissions and E's medical care.  I thanked her for devoting so much time to us as I know how busy she must be. Turns out she's booked the afternoon off as annual leave and she had seen us in her time off. I gave her a look to say, 'thanks for doing that, but you should really look after yourself.' That's what she's always telling me.  She has been a really good GP to all of us and has been especially supportive and understanding about my situation from the darkest days to where I'm going now. I really appreciate what she's done and continues to do.

Back to work with a brief Kew interlude.

Working later to make up for the lost time.

Started making dinner before son #2 took over, allowing me to have a chat with Q earlier than usual as she's had a pretty tiring day and is looking forward to some sleep. We said goodnight which coincided with son #2 serving dinner. This is the life!,

Over dinner, I watched the end of the 'Glastonbury at 50' documentary before watching some of this year's festival. First up was Crowded House who performed the Split Enz number 'I Got You' (an earlier Finns band doncha know), an old favourite song of mine from way back and, coincidentally, one of the few songs (so far) that Queue and I both like. 😇

Son #1 arrived downstairs to eat his dinner after I'd finished mine and so I stayed to talk briefly as we hadn't seen much of each other all day.

Then off to bed for music, word games, the papers and sleep minus the usual chat, which I'd already had.

Eat. Sleep. Repeat.
Vox Populi! / 'Mush Dubby Gnarls & Vrooms' / 'Psyko Tropix'

[[Love this! Must investigate the band further]]


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