Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 15th June 2022

The final working day of my week, and it's going to be a busy one.  What sort of insane brain wiring makes me feel guilty about being on leave tomorrow so soon after being off ill? At one point I seriously thought about cancelling some of my leave in order to progress the project I'm working on.  Luckily, sanity prevailed and I turned my thinking around. It would appear that the Protestant work ethic is deeply ingrained. It's getting a bit late to fix that and I'm clearly failing my Idler entrance exam.

Notwithstanding all that soul searching and hand wringing, I have work to get on with, and so today will be another day of few words. Probably.

Social services interrupted my productive day to check if it was OK for E to come home tomorrow.  Swiftly followed by a call from the hospital ward admin person to confirm transport has been booked for tomorrow.  Now it just has to happen. Fingers and everything crossable crossed.  My cold (or whatever it was) is receding, which is good.  It'll be gone completely in a few days. I hope. Maybe you hope too? (At least you'll stop banging on about it!)

A bit of organising pre-dinner to the accompaniment of music.  

Ate dinner with son #1 while watching his chosen episode of 'Love, Death and Robots'.  Interesting story. Visually interesting too.

The usual bin night shizz, followed by a trip to Bedfordshire by way of a chat with Q.  Sleep beckons as does Leopold Bloom.

Caravan / 'L'Auberge Du Sanglier; A Hunting We Shall Go; Pengola; Backwards; A Hunting We Shall Go - Reprise' / 'For Girls Who Grow Plump In The Night'

[[ Yes, it is fairly long (though not their longest tune by a country mile) at just over 10 minutes, but it (and you) are worth it. My absolute favourite sections are Pengola and Backwards, which begin at around 4 minutes 21 seconds in.  If you listen to nothing more, I urge you to listen for the next 5 and a half minutes or so.  Of course, I think the whole thing is worth listening to because the contrast in tempo and mood is key to the whole piece's success.

If all that wasn't enough, it ends with the sound of a thunderstorm. (Hmm, that's a thought, I should create a playlist of the best songs which include the sound of thunder!) Any song which incorporates the sound of thunder is worthy of a listen in my books. 

I should also note that on occasions the song and album titles that Caravan chose veer close to cringeworthy, but the music (mostly) still stands the test of time, in my (biased) opinion ]]


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