Tales From The Crypt - Monday 13th June 2022

Up with the larks (noisy b*stards!) and straight into action, despite still, yes STILL, having this damn cold and all the fun symptoms that that entails. Off to collect son #1 from uni today.

I double-check Google maps for its estimated journey time to Birmingham and it's still saying leave by 7:30 a.m. which is exactly what I do after I've had a bowl of porridge and fruit.

Here we go!

Arrived at son #1's flat a little after 9:30 a.m. and got stuck in loading the car, as we need to be gone by 11 a.m.

We leave just after 11 (he has to return his key which delays us slightly) which was pretty good going, though I guess if I hadn't arrived 30 minutes early, we probably wouldn't have made it.

Good to get a chance to talk one-to-one with son #1.  We have a pretty good catch-up on things as I drive us back. The best thing about the journey.

Got home a little after 1 p.m. after a total of around 4 hours of driving. Glad to be back.

The trouble with bringing a load of stuff back, is where does it go? Lots of it won't be required until September, so we really don't need it cluttering the house or, in particular, blocking the hall.  As long as it's found a new home by the time E comes home from hospital.

This leads me neatly to the latest news: the nurse looking after E tells me that they are preparing to discharge her, but they aren't sure when with 'in the next few days' being as definitive as it gets.  She is medically fit for discharge, so I try to hurry this process along.  It would be logistically challenging if she's not home by Wednesday at the latest.

At some point in the afternoon, I decide I'm going to write my own tribute to Cathal Coughlan. It will appear as part of this blog but as a separate post devoid of any other news that's not fit to print. I've started so hopefully, I'll finish. Watch this space. Or don't. Whatever works for you.

The day disappears fast: I make dinner and eat with son #1 (son #2 is otherwise occupied) whilst watching a HIGNFY.   Next stop bed via a catch-up with Q.

Back to work tomorrow, so gotta get some sleep! 

Afrikan Boy / 'Hit Em Up' / 'The AB CD'

[[The video features great footage of Fela Kuti and band, and probably a sample or two, too]]


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