Tales From The Crypt - Friday 17th June 2022

Friday and I'm still on annual leave.  Despite this I'm up early: back to the routine of the first carer arriving around 7 a.m., plus today the added excitement of taking son #2 to the dentist by 8:30 and packing for my weekend down south.  All being well I'll be leaving around 10 a.m.

It's good to see K again and she's in good form, as usual, making the mistake of telling me she's hot and receiving a suitably appropriate response from me.

Unusually for a non-working day, I'll probably not have a lot to say, not least because I'll be spending a chunk of it driving.  Not much to say about that, after all.

Arrived on the south coast at around midday, and after moving my stuff indoors, we decided to head out to buy some bread for lunch.

After lunch, it's back to work for Q, whilst I set about booking somewhere outdoors for dinner and a drink or two.  Having successfully booked somewhere I set about writing more of my tribute to Cathal Coughlan.  Seemingly the more I write, the more I feel I have to write. I really must finish it before the end of June, since tomorrow will be one month after he died.

Work is finished and we're heading for the pub.  It's a gloriously warm evening and we sit outside to eat and drink. 

It's a lovely evening walking home and before long we're back inside. Throw open the windows! It's deadly hot and humid.

Sleep and another day beckons!

Low Hummer / 'Talk Shows' / 'Dance To The Radio'



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