Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 12th June 2022

Not too early a start to the day, but early enough to see son #3 and give him my rucksack ahead of his journey to Durham first thing this morning.

Once I'm fully dressed, the next priority is chatting with Q to understand our plans for the day.  Tomorrow I'm collecting son #1 from Birmingham University and I'm still feeling under the weather, despite yet another negative lateral flow test. After consideration, and despite it not being what either of us would prefer to do, we agree that it's probably best if I don't drive down this afternoon. Unusually, I agree that the sensible choice is the best one, and the plan is I stay here.

That being decided, I settle down to read 'The Observer' and work out what I'll do with the rest of the day - not that I'm short of things that need doing! Short of the motivation and wellness, though.

Somewhere amongst the previous paragraph of activities, I call the hospital for news on E. The staff nurse I speak to says E should be discharged this week, subject to the suctioning they're doing.  Ideally, I'd like her to come home on Tuesday, worst case on Wednesday. I have plans for the remainder of the week, and the weekend in particular.

I should also note that today is my niece's 30th birthday!  Where on earth have 30 years gone?  It doesn't seem that long ago I was comforting her on my shoulder trying to help ease the colic she was suffering with. Time. Indeed, time.

After reading the arts sections of the paper and scanning the news, I make lunch before starting my first task.  The locks in the double-glazed patio doors need replacing. I've bought one to check it's the right size (our locks are not a standard size, which comes as no surprise) and set about removing the old lock which is going wrong.  I'm trying to pull/force the old lock through for a minute or more before I realise I haven't undone the bolt that holds it fast.  My brain is still not working normally.

Once I correct that minor oversight, the process is fairly straightforward.  The new lock is just about long enough, but most importantly it's a much stronger and more secure lock and also the key actually opens it every time.  A useful feature.  Now that I know it fits, I ordered a second replacement lock for the left-hand door.

Feeling invincible (DIY successes do that for me, however small) I decide to strim the back garden elephant grass (no elephants found, so far) ahead of actually attacking it with the mower, though I decide to leave that for another day.

Son #1 informs me that he has to be gone by 11 tomorrow morning as the uni flats have some laser tag event planned from 12 until 4 p.m. This means I need to arrive by 10 a.m. at the latest, which, according to Google maps means I'll need to leave here by 7:30 a.m. tomorrow. Just as well I'm not on the south coast as I'd have to leave at around 6 a.m.

One problem with the change of plan is that we have no dinner for tonight. I search the freezer and come to the conclusion that we'll need a takeaway.  A quick chat with son #2 and we've agreed to get Turkish food, though I'll be having bulgur rice and salad, not chips.

Q and I have agreed to have a video call in lieu of our planned meeting, IRL.  Lots of good news from dahn sarf, none of which I can discuss here.  I must admit I prefer video calls to voice-only calls, too much communication is lost without seeing someone's face. 

Over dinner, I watch another episode of the excellent BBC TV series, 'Art That Made Us', a series I'd thoroughly recommend, despite the occasional lapses into dumbing down speak.

Off to bed and a final chat with Q before surrendering to sleep.  Got to get up at 6 a.m. tomorrow.

Broadcast / 'Come On Let's Go' / 'The Noise Made By People'

[[An 'oldie' for a change (I guess 2000 is old now?)  Form a queue for this one. Queue for you.]]


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