Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 31st May 2022

Started the day with a walk whilst chatting on the phone with Q, also giving me the chance to post a birthday card to my nephew.  Last week I managed to exceed my weekly walking target, but what with one thing and another, this week is looking doubtful.

Work is my priority today, though at the top of my mind is getting E home from the hospital.  First off I called the care agency and they'd just spoken to social services who had told them that no request had been received from the hospital to restart care.  FFS!

Next stop, call the hospital ward.  The nurse I spoke to said that yes, E is still medically fit for discharge, and yes the OT had emailed the council.  I explained that in fact, the council don't know about that and that as far as they are aware E is not coming home yet.  I asked if she would chase this up because it's crazy E's still there when she'd been fit to leave since the weekend.  I thought there was a shortage of beds!!!  There certainly is when we are in A&E waiting to be admitted to a ward.

Sometime in the afternoon, I got a call from the care agency to say that they'd received a restart care request from the council, to start from tomorrow afternoon!!!! FFS!!!! Initially, I thought, this is daft and was going to push for her to leave sooner, but in the end, I became resigned to it. Later the nurse called me to say what had been agreed, which was along the lines I was told by the care agency so time to just accept it and move on.  It all gets to be too stressful.

The rest of the day was taken up with work as I tried to put all this shit out of my head. 

I made dinner and watched the penultimate episode of the last season of 'Doctor Who' with son #3, before retiring for another chat with Q followed by word games and sleep.

The Fatima Mansions / '(Everything I Do) I Do For You' / 'Valhalla Avenue'

[[In my (warped?) view, far better than the insufferable original]]


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