Tales From The Crypt - Friday 10th June 2022

I'm getting bored of feeling this crap when I wake. There seems to be no end to it. The headache remains continuous and it's an odd one, in the sense that it's kind of situated towards the middle of my head behind my eyes. Not a normal place I experience headaches. Not only that, talking for any length of time is difficult, which is really challenging!  One thing is for sure, I'm not able to work today.

Given all the above, I take yet another lateral flow test, which is again negative.  I will keep on testing as I can't risk being covid-positive when E comes home from hospital, though to be fair if she caught what I have now it would be pretty serious, too.

Late morning I call the hospital and am told that E won't be home until next week and she's still being treated for a chest infection, though it sounds like things are improving as she'll be moving on to 'oral' (via the PEG) antibiotics soon.

After lunch, I had a call from an OT in the hospital, asking various questions about E's care at home, which is usually an indication they are developing a discharge plan. More good news. I just hope I've shifted this bug by then and remain covid-negative. Fingers crossed.

Another day seems to be disappearing fast, though it was enlivened by a few calls with Q, punctuated by me coughing.  I think my biggest achievement of the day has been publishing a blog for the past four days. Not much, I admit, but something nevertheless. At least it's not next weekend, I guess.

Molly Nilsson / 'Fearless Like A Child' / 'Extreme'

[[I really love this song, it's definitely taken up residence in my brain cell]]


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