Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 14th June 2022

Back to work, after a week of feeling less than human. (No feedback required!) Still not 100%, but I am getting there.

It seems odd going back to work for just two days, as I'm on leave from Thursday until the following Tuesday to fully celebrate a couple of special dates, one more personal than the other.

I always celebrate the 16th of June every year, but this year it's especially significant as it is the centenary of the publication of the novel in question. I expect I'll have something to say about it in the post I write on the 16th.

Looks like a plan is merging for E's return home from hospital, though not quite as soon as I'd have liked. Fingers crossed that this plan becomes a reality.

Early evening Q and I have a chat and agree on a revised plan based on E's return home. Disappointingly, I won't get to spend any of the 16th with Q, which may well be a relief for her!!!!

Not much more to say because it's a working day, and now only the evening remains.

I make dinner with help from son #1 and all three of us (son #2 included) watch HIGNFY together, the final episode from the most recent series.

Usual mundane stuff leading to bedtime.  Another chat with Q before word games, reading The Idler, and going to sleep listening to Kae Tempest.

Oliver Sim / 'Romance With A Memory' / (Single)



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