Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 26th June 2022

A later start ahead of a slightly more chilled day.  We have an appointment with the Red Arrows at the seafront between 12:30 and 1:10-ish and also have to do some food shopping.

A cunning plan allows us to combine food shopping and Red Arrows, made even easier by the supermarket car park being unexpectedly open due to a barrier failure. 

The Red Arrows were displaying at Goodwood, arriving via the Isle of Wight and returning over Gosport / Portsmouth. For some reason, I hadn't brought either camera with me but did at least have my radio. Their arrival at Goodwood via the IOW was too far south for us to see them, but we heard them arrive and their display on the radio.  On their way to Bournemouth airport after their display, they did indeed fly in front of us, in two sections (7 + 2) and accompanied by a Spitfire.  They were higher than I'd hoped and flew closer to the IOW, but it was good to see and hear them. Mission accomplished.

Afterwards, we walked back to the supermarket via a pit stop for coffee at Coffee #1.  Suitably caffeinated and relaxed we headed to the shops and then home for lunch.

After lunch, we got down to work. OK, to be more accurate Q got down to work as she had lots of preparation to do for the week ahead.  I, on the other hand, did some stuff online and wrote my blog, attempting to finish the Cathal Coughlan tribute I've been writing for a while.  I have come to a decision; I have to change the way I'm writing it, otherwise, I'll never finish it. Too much detail. Who would have thought it?

Once Q had finished work it was time to do some serious planning: July is incredibly busy for us: Idler festival, wedding (twice), a work trip to Greece (Q), and more.  August is similar, as is September, though more for Q than for me in these two months.

Dinner next, then 'Sherwood', followed inevitably by sleep as we have to get up early tomorrow.

Pet Shop Boys / 'West End Girls' / 'Please'

[[As I was descending into sleep (or trying to) the radio was playing the Pet Shop Boys at Glastonbury, and this was their penultimate number. Hence.]]


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