Lockdown Diary - Friday 25th September 2020

Friday again.  Working day, so that will dominate proceedings. I read on the BBC website that people are starting to panic buy again and supermarkets are placing restrictions on how many packs of toilet paper you can buy. Clearly the government's messages about the symptoms of coronavirus are not getting through.

I don't know where today has gone. I was in an unarmed struggle with PowerPoint, which I'd finally persuaded to do what I wanted, not what it wanted, when I realised it was after 6 p.m.  I had promised myself I'd stop working a bit earlier today, but somehow missed that goal. I blame Microsoft. I decided to finish what I was doing.

I'd like to tell you something wonderfully interesting or exciting that happened or that I had learnt today, but frankly there was nothing.  The impending bogroll shortage was as exciting as it got.

I'm still walking a very shaky line between staying positive and grounded on the left hand side (the left is always better) and the darker things on the right.  Part 97 in an unending struggle.

In the early evening I had a chat with son #1's gf about what she will study at Art College when she goes there next year, which was interesting. A little later it was time to take her and son #1 to the station so she could catch a train home, in order to be up early for work on Saturday morning.

Had a few text 'conversations' with son #3 at uni, including a discussion about which clothes go in a dark wash and which in a light/white wash. Hopefully what I told him will have helped him avoid all his clothes becoming grey-coloured. Watch this space.

It being Friday, we had fish for dinner (!), then watched the first episode of series 2 of 'The Bridge'.  I am worried I may be getting a thing for Saga Norén, the Swedish lead detective (I do know that's the name of the character, rather than the actress, there is a reason for this. Read on.) I rather like the way her character just says exactly what she means, irrespective of how the words may land.  I think I'd laugh a lot. I will continue to take the Bromide tablets. 

I was about to write it was 'downhill from then onwards', but in truth I don't think I've been up anywhere to come downhill from.  Bed it is then. Which is uphill, technically. Up. Down. Left. Right. Forwards. Back. Makes little or no difference.

It's been a while since I've chosen any Techno, so today I've gone for Rovo and System 7's 'Love For The Phoenix' from the album 'Phoenix Rising'. (System 7 are Steve Hillage and his missus, Miquette Giraudy, as I'm sure many of you know)



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