Lockdown Diary - Sunday 13th September 2020

Not really feeling greatly invigorated by things at the moment, though I did manage to get up around 8 and start doing shit.

Washing. Done.

Cut the grass. Front and back.

Waged war on the bamboo, though frankly it's a battle i'm never going to win. As soon as the wind dies down I am going to unleash the ultimate weapon. It might at least give me the upper hand.

I've had lunch now and once I've meditated I plan to try and catch up on the papers.

Life in the fast lane: swapped reading the papers with meditation!  Read a bit of the papers first - great interview with Margaret Atwood in yesterday's Guardian magazine. It's a start.

Son #1 left mid-afternoon for his girlfriend's house where he'll be staying for the next week or so, to celebrate her birthday next week.

I've been trying to get back into going out and walking each day.  Trying being the operative word, because until today I've pretty much done sod all.  According to the Times on Saturday (like I'd believe anything in a Murdoch-paper) a walk of 12 minutes or more is good for your mental health. I figured the way things are going, I've gotta give it a chance.  In the end I did what the NHS fitness app says is 20 minutes of brisk walking, though my fitness watch reckons it was 21. Not sure it's really had the intended effect, but I have now poured some wine.  That probably won't help either, but if you drink enough of it, you don't care and nothing matters.

Made it to dinner time and prepped veg and cooked fish with son #2. Kindly he allowed me to slice and dice the onions which had the usual effect.  After that we watched another episode of 'The Bridge', the sixth, I think - only four to go.  We're trying to finish it before son number 3 goes off to uni at the end of the week.

Quite a long song today from Saint Etienne. Though long, it is a song in multiple parts, and I especially like the transition into the laid-back slightly jazzy section around the 7 minute mark - the background vocal harmonies are especially entrancing.  This is 'How We Used To Live' from the album 'Sound of Water'



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