Lockdown Diary - Wednesday 9th September 2020

Work again dominates the day, though now it's causing a few problems. I need to call Abbot to order more PEG feeding stuff for my wife and I also need to contact Boots regarding her monthly medication delivery - it must be due or overdue.  

On top of that it turns out there's a whole bunch of other things needed to be done for son #3 before he can go to University, including buying more socks and organising a Meningitis vaccination, which I'm going to have to delegate back to him, maybe enlisting the help of his brothers.  Though I am multi-threaded, too many of my processes are blocking.

Despite starting the training course at 8 a.m. today I did manage to squeeze in 30 minutes of yoga at 7 a.m. - pranayama and some asanas including surya namaskar - before showering, cleaning my teeth, getting dressed etc and making breakfast in about 25 minutes. It did involve a fair bit of running up and down stairs and running from the kitchen to my office, but I did get it done in time.

During my 'lunch' break (no lunch was consumed then) I managed to fit in a call to Abbot and tried to contact Boots, but the line was engaged. Turned out that didn't matter as at some point during lunch time the early afternoon the man from Boots arrived bearing two large bags of meds.

The long day of training which was brightened up by the best software error message I've heard of in a long while, namely: 'bad magic number'. Any piece of software that relies on magic has my wholehearted support. If anyone asks how it works, I can just say 'no one knows, it's just magic', though that means that debugging may be problematic. (For the record I don't actually spend any time compiling lists of software error messages! That would be very sad 😉)

Sons 1 and 2 are off out for a meal with friends tonight, hopefully no more than six of them, so it's just me and number 3 for dinner.

Usual Wednesday evening, with less people: dinner, bins, clearing up, then bed. Ho hum, T D um.

Something very old, though I must admit describing this as very old seems odd, given I remember it being released in 1974, some 46 years ago. It's an oddity in that, though the band released several albums, this is the only song of theirs I like, and it's dissimilar to many of their other songs. I think it may even be their only hit - either way I'm pretty sure it's their only UK hit. The band are Ozark Mountain Daredevils and the song is 'Jackie Blue' from the album 'It'll Shine When It Shines'.

[[Trivia: The band released a remixed version of this in the 1980s or 1990s - not sure which, but I don't actually care because, having listened to it in error, I have to say it is a heap of dog poo.]]



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