Lockdown Diary - Saturday 5th September 2020

Saturday has been a wall-to-wall exercise in chores and tedious tasks of one sort or another.  As I write this it's now the early evening and I have completed what will hopefully be the last of these activities, apart, perhaps from making the dinner with son #3 and maybe also a bit more revision. The latter will require the last ounce of will power, so there's a danger I might think 'fuck it' I'll leave that 'til tomorrow. This is made even more likely by the imminent consumption of wine.

It should be film night and son #1's choice, though he's been wiped out ever since he accompanied me food shopping first thing.  I know he got to bed late after a drinking session in town, but even if I'd done the same (and I did liberate a fair amount of wine last night), I'd have still got up early, gone shopping and done all the rest of the shit I've wasted my day on, without any return to bed or sleep.  It's a choice not a need, though that's a statement that would open me up to criticism and general abuse of the 'boomer' variety, should I air it amongst my sons. Anyway, returning to the point, hopefully he'll have enough energy to choose a film and turn up for dinner.

Sadly one thing I've not had time for is reading 'The Guardian' or anything else, nor really listening to any music for more than 3 or 4 minutes.  I have a few things to do now that the final carer visit of the day is over.

Unexpectedly the clouds of chores cleared briefly and I was able to claw back some to to listen to The Amorphous Androgynous's Record Store Day 2020 release, which is titled (take a deep breath first) 'A Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble (Exploding In Your Mind) presents We Persuade Ourselves We Are Immortal Remixes'. Thankfully such an overblown title doesn't fail to deliver, though this is a taster for a forthcoming album and doesn't quite live up to the blissed out trippiness of the four volumes in their 'A Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble' series of compilations/mixes. Here's the cover to whet your appetite

As mentioned earlier it was film night and tonight's choice was 'Da 5 Bloods', the recently released Spike Lee film.  It's a little over two and a half hours, but at no point did the attention flag. The film's plot has one thing in common with the film 'Three Kings' but whereas that was a comedy, 'Da 5 Bloods' has a more serious intent.  Social commentary was a theme that ran through the film which has elements of action, humour and also drama.  If you get a chance, watch it, it's seriously good. (It's on Netflix and maybe other platforms)

Obviously I'm not going to choose a track from the album above. Instead I've picked a track from Kuwaiti electronic musician Fatima Al Qadiri.  This is 'Shenzhen' from the album 'Asiatisch'.



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