Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 8th September 2020

Another day dominated by work - specifically the training course I'm on all this week.  I haven't got a clue what I'm going to write, it just depends what rubbish surfaces in my brain.

It's going to be a quieter day here than normal as sons 1 and 2 have gone out walking for the day.  There destination is in Oxfordshire around Uffington and the nearby white horse.

One of the downsides of all this working is that I am not finding time to keep in touch with friends as often as I'd like - I owe five people replies at the moment and I really want to find time to do that before today is over.

One thing I have been lucky with is that the course lunch break (aligned to Italian time) overlaps with when the carers make my wife's lunch call - that's been especially vital today as I was due to flush her catheter, which is a 10 to 15 minute job that needs a fair degree of care and attention to detail. 

One thing that's made the course a little more interesting this week as that there have been hands-on practicals, with me doing some Windows Command line stuff for the first time in years. Luckily we each have our own Windows Server, so, worst case, I can only screw my own work up. So far so good.

After the course finished I managed to reply to a few of the outstanding contacts: I phoned my elder sister, replied to a couple of emails and also a FBM message. 

At around 6 p.m. sons 1 and 2 returned from their walk, tired and with a bit of a glow from the sun they'd enjoyed. After catching up I had a few outstanding chores to do, so, alas, no time for reading and no time for music.  The weekend papers are still untouched but somehow I must find time to read them before the weekend.

...and before I know where I am it's time to make dinner and Son #2 has taken control.  We watched episode 4 of 'The Bridge' then it was the usual stuff that will end in sleep.

Something soothing and instrumental for a change. This is 'Chief' by the Fierce and the Dead from the album 'Spooky Action'. 

[[Soothing not guaranteed]] 



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