Lockdown Diary - Sunday 6th September 2020

Sunday pretty much followed the pattern of Saturday, so there really isn't a lot to say.

This has been the first weekend in a while where I've not managed to find time to read any of the papers or anything else for that matter.  Guess I'm going to have to find time to read the papers during the week, however that is going to be more challenging than usual as I am on a five day training course from Monday to Friday.

Keen observers of my weekly routine will spot that I don't normally work Mondays - it is a non-working day.  Well not tomorrow, as I'll be on the course for work.  Naturally I'll get a day back in lieu (the following week, hopefully), however it will mean that one way or another I'll have been working for 14 consecutive days (actually more than that, thinking about it, but I'm not going to think any further), without a complete break. It's the first time I've needed to do this in a long time. Next weekend cannot come too soon. Still, I haven't quite finished this one, yet.

Whilst tidying up and prepping some sweetcorn - pre-stripping the kernels from the cob - I managed to listen to music from my main Spotify playlist, on random, as is my custom (no thinking required). Amongst these darker clouds I did also manage to watch episode 3 of 'The Bridge' with my sons - something that brings further darkness into the darkness. Nested levels of darkness, now that's an interesting idea.

Despite the above, there has to be music. This is something that came up on my playlist the previous time I played it.  Anna Calvi with 'Wish' from the album 'Hunter'



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