Lockdown Diary - Monday 31st August 2020

Monday. The day I do not work. Today, also a Bank Holiday. Much cause for celebration? Wrong. I have to confess I have not been very good at organising myself to do things, though in all honesty I'd probably be doing them on my own, so the incentive is low.  

I've got shitloads of stuff I need to do, so it's not a case of 'Mum! I'm bored', though the things I have to do (or have done, so there! Mlaaah!) include yoga (good), Mulesoft revision (a necessary evil, and decidedly evil it is too - I'm not fooled by those plastic donkey (mule, perchance?) toys), a wedding anniversary to organise (challenging: very difficult to come up with something my wife can appreciate, plus it's 27th anniversary - not sure if that has a 'thing'?) and some other things which I can neither be arsed to list, even less do - though I will have to do them soon, so it's just a case of procrastination, but at least it doesn't bring on early blindness.

Yep. So I've long since done yoga. I've also finished going through the final two modules of the Mulesoft course.  Probably need to focus on our anniversary next: time to enlist the help of that font of all knowledge, the internet.  Or not, in this case, apparently, and I quote: 'The 27th year wedding anniversary is something special to think about and although there are no traditional symbols or materials associated with it, you can have free reign at determining what to buy.' Thanks a bunch! Another site suggests music or sculpture, so that's me sorted, however still no inspiration. Guess I'm going to have to think of a suitable, easily wearable, jewellery item. Wish me luck.

Since I last wrote I have managed to set in train most of the activities that I needed to do for our anniversary.  That's a result.  Just a bit if fine tuning to do on the day.

Organised a few other things in the afternoon and, in between all this, read more of 'Ulysses', The Idler magazine and Private Eye.

Son #3 and I made dinner early so that we could watch 'The Terminator' together.  I've seen it loads of time but he hasn't.  Still a good film even after an unknown number of viewings, but certainly quite a few.

This is 'You Said' from the album 'A Hero's Death' by Fontaines D.C.

['Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate']



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