Lockdown Diary - Wednesday 16th September 2020

Work again today, but today's early start was to do yoga at 7 a.m., rather than to start a training course.

After that, though, work has dominated the day, so there's not a lot to say, just the usual trials and tribulations of work.

After making and receiving several phone calls during the day son #3 established that he'd had a meningitis injection back in 2016 and doesn't need another before heading off to uni, so a visit to the doctor (isn't there a song with that title by Dr. Feelgood?) was avoided.

Limiting my thinking to the moment is holding up, so far, and seems to be helping.  

A friend is popping over around 6 p.m. for a walk to the pub for a drink and a chat.  I finished work around 5:30 p.m. and am ready to go!

The friend duly arrived and we walked, in a socially-distanced way, to the pub. We were standing outside drinking and chatting as a car approached down the lane leading to the ford and the occupant was waving.  As the car drew closer I thought 'I know that person!' and then it dawned on me that this surprise had been prearranged. All three of us had been at school together and had restarted our friendship back in 2016. We chatted and drank for a couple of hours or more before parting company as darkness descended. Great fun! We shall have to do it again.

Walking back in the dark was a bit interesting! I had to use my phone as a torch to illuminate the way - the lanes have quite a camber and are broken up at the edges and there was also evidence that horses had traversed the route.  We got back having avoided most of the aforementioned hazards and parted company outside my house. Parting company in these socially-distanced times always seems rather off-hand, but safety first I guess. All three of us have to be careful because of others in our families, so  it is the right thing to do.

When I got indoors sons 2 and 3 had made dinner and eaten theirs - to be fair I was quite a lot later than I'd suggested - but at least mine wasn't in the cat, a possibility made less likely by no longer having one.

Son #2 was watching the TV and I sat and ate with him and chatted about what he was watching.  Oddly despite having drunk a couple of pints of cider (and some unexpected lager) and taken my anti-depressant whilst out, I wasn't as tired as usual, so I didn't get to bed or sleep as early as normal.  Going to pay for that when I get up at 6 tomorrow! Right now I'm not bothered. (Yep, I did think what you're thinking, but decided against writing it)

Inspired by my current t-shirt, this is Robyn Hitchcock & The Egyptians with 'If You Were A Priest' from the album 'Element of Light'.  Eagle-eyed readers will notice that the video comes from an album called 'Luminous Groove', which was a box set of albums including the one the track originally comes from.  I have chosen this 'version' (technically it's exactly the same) for the simple reason that it's been provided to YT by the record label.



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