Lockdown Diary - Sunday 20th September 2020

The house is noticeably quieter without son #3: as I was waking up this morning I thought I heard noise on the landing and initially thought 'it's only son #3' (I didn't literally think that!) and then I realised, he's not here now.

In response to yesterday's restlessness and inner strife I've decided to attempt to have a chilled day - I'm still going to do the boring jobs I need to get done today, but I'm also going to try and read the papers - this weekend's as well as the backlog from the previous two weeks and also listen to music.  I hope to go for a walk later and son #2 may accompany me - we'll see.

Success! Caught up on the papers and even found time to read a bit of this month's book club novel, 'The Hunting Party'.  I'm some 100 pages or so in, but it still hasn't managed to lure me in. Not sure why, but there's something about the writing or the plot that is keeping me at arm's length. I will persevere, though saying that I do have to read H.G. Wells' 'The Time Machine' by next Monday, so I even if I do get into it, it may be put aside.

The afternoon was punctuated by calls from both sets of in-laws, keen to hear news of son #3's departure for uni, the things they'd sent for our wedding anniversary and me giving them son #2's good news. The second call, from my mother-in-law, came just as son #2 and I were about to head out for a walk.  Unusually it was only a 15-minute call - they have been known to go on for up to an hour - and so as soon as it was over we headed off for a half-hour walk.

We had a lot to talk about whilst walking and when we returned, after bringing the washing in, the conversation continued a little longer in the living room.  

I decided to listen to music before starting on the dinner: listened to all the new International Teachers of Pop album, 'Pop Gossip' followed by a bit of the new Yello album, 'Point'.

Started the dinner and was joined by son #2 after a while: salmon fillets from the fish counter, roast sweet potato and sautéed cabbage with chilli flakes.

Tonight's TV fare was the first episode of the new series of 'Strike' - it would have been good to see series 2 of 'The Bridge' but son #1 and his gf need to catch up.

After that the usual steps that lead, hopefully, to the descent into the world of rest and dreams. 

Whilst starting the dinner I had my playlist on random and the track 'Daikaisei' by Bo Ningen came on. One of the albums I have to listen to is their latest album, which is a total departure from their previous albums, with a more ambient, post-rock sound.  The opening salvo of this track played live is one of my favourite rock song intros and overall the track has a hypnotic bass rhythm which underpins the twin guitar interplay.  I never tire of listening to this.



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