Lockdown Diary - Friday 4th June 2021

Friday has come around again, seemingly very fast!

Walked early then went to town centre to deliver some opt-out forms to our GP surgery, picking up a coffee on the return leg back to the car.


Around late morning / lunchtime I got involved in some chatter on the book club WhatsApp group, resulting in lunch tomorrow with three other members of the club.


All three sons are out for drinks at a friend's house tonight which means I'll be home alone.  Ordered a Turkish takeaway and plan to watch something and maybe listen to some music if I can get me head round it. 

Food has arrived, boys are leaving and I sit down to watch a programme about Edgar Wright's favourite movie moments (he being director of films like 'Shaun of the Dead' and 'Hot Fuzz' to name but two) accompanied by some wine (me not him!)

In the end I couldn't summon up the enthusiasm to listen to music, so after some channel hopping with the usual result (nothing of interest) I decided to head bedwards.

St. Vincent / 'Cheerleader' / 'Strange Mercy'



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