Tales From The Crypt - Monday 28th June 2021

I've only gone and bloody well done it! Welcome to the first of my 'Tales From The Crypt': I'm bored as fuck with the old title and anything to do with Covid:  obviously I'm still going to adhere the guidelines and protect the vulnerable person I care for and about, I'm not a complete and utter bastard. We all have a part to play in keeping one another safe.  Sermon over.

Started the day with the return of the early morning carer who's been on leave for two weeks - updated her with the latest news, which she was keen to hear.

Knocked up and ate breakfast early, in order to finish eating 2 hours ahead of yoga at 10:00, then it was a bit of organising to get the compilation CD completed and ready to post. Off to the post office just before 9 a.m. to complete the process and then return ready to head for yoga at 9:30 a.m.

Back from yoga after a chat with one of the other class members, followed by a longer chat with the teacher: I gave her a bit of a life update followed by a brief discussion about life, love and the universe.

I'm back later and the lunchtime carers have been and left early so instead of being involved in that process, I decide now is the time to do my daily meditation. 

Meditation over, it's time to start reading the papers from the weekend which I've barely had time to look at.

Didn't get to walk first thing as I ran out of time (see above) so, for a change I've gone for a late afternoon walk, but a walk with a difference. I decided to walk and listen to music, which I've not done for ages. It's an experiment.  I haven't used my Cowon PD player in ages - more than a year, at least - and was surprised to find it still had a reasonable amount of charge left.  Got it set up in random play mode, fitted my earphones (a fiddly process if you want the best sound) and set off.

Back from my walk and I must say I enjoyed listening to music while walking - I'm not sure I'll do it every time, you have to be extra careful crossing roads as you don't have so much warning sound wise, but it was good.

I had planned to come back and listen to music at brain-shattering volumes, but in the event son #2 had taken over the living room to play on his Oculus VR thingy, so that was out.

Read more of the papers instead - I only have part of Sunday's left, but still not finished them. I've not been so good at reading of late.  Brain too busy.

I started dinner and then was joined by son #3 to complete the vegetables after which we (eventually) all sat down together to watch an episode of 'Spooks', series 1. 

Bit more paper-reading, then sleep, so I can get up and do it all again, except with the added excitement of work from tomorrow.

Cavern of Anti-Matter / 'Melody in High-Feedback Tones' / 'void beats / invocation trex' 



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