Lockdown Diary - The Longest Day (Monday 21st June 2021)

I'm coming round to the idea that this blog should become 'Tales From The Crypt' (capitalisation intentional).  It appeals to me on a number of levels, not least of which being the darker element of my sense of humour.  I also like it because it reminds me of the (slight) tongue twister, 'The cat crept into the crypt, crapped, and crept out again', which I find far more amusing than I probably should. Little things...

Off at around 9:30 a.m. to my first in-person yoga class in eons.  

Back from yoga: it's great to be doing it with people (and yoga).  I was made very welcome by some familiar friendly faces, which warmed the cockles.  One of the yoginis is particularly enlivening and she seems pleased to see me.

British Gas are here to fix our central heating problem and the guy is very pleasant. I express solidarity with the engineers in the way they have been treated by their management.  He arrived whilst I was on my way back from yoga and son #2 has kindly offered and made him a cup of coffee. I'm impressed by that, we must have taught them well.  After fixing the problem (the valve which controls which way the water is pumped was seized open in the hot water and central heating mode) he kindly also seals around the boiler exhaust pipe where beads from the cavity wall insulation have been leaking into the house.

Not long after I return home all three sons head into town to get their hair cut, leaving me home alone.  First on my list of peaceful activities is meditation before reading

The weather is not very conducive to anything very much, so I'll probably read for a bit if I can get my head in gear.

Working on a playlist / compilation CD that I've been putting together for quite a few weeks now.  It's finally beginning to take shape and it's really the sequence that needs finalising, but let's just see if I don't end up swapping something out.

Son #2 is first back from the barbers in town as he has work to do.  This is my signal to get the lunch made as it's getting late and I'm starving.

Five or so minutes after I finish making lunch sons 1 and 3 return from the barbers and they're quite chuffed there's nothing to do for lunch as I've done it all.

Lunch demolished I settle down to reading more of this month's book club novel.  I am enjoying it though progress is slow.

Carers have just departed and this is my cue to listen to the playlist and re-sequence it as necessary. It's an art and is probably really only the best sequence on the day it's devised. In a different mood, on a different day, the sequence would probably be different, with one or two exceptions.

Son #2 is not feeling very well which means only three of us convene for dinner, with the consequence that we watch a HIGNFY rather than 'Spooks'.

Shutdown sequence begins again.

Julia-Sophie / 'and you know it' / 'heartbroken' EP 



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