Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 29th June 2021

Back to work this morning, so no promises on what I'll write or how much. I'm liking the new title and thinking about maybe having a new logo or background or something, but that'll take time I don't currently have so it's probably a pipe dream.

My plan to start the day with an early walk was thwarted by the first carer being quite late and, as I needed to make an emergency food shopping trip before work, I decided I'd walk later. Not ideal, but the best laid plans and all that.

Quick trip to the shops to pick up chorizo sausages and a few other items, then back to work by 8:30 a.m.

As usual work dominates the day...

Plans to go for a walk after work are dropped due to rain and my motivation is low, plus the England v Germany match starts at 5 p.m. and I've decided to watch that with my sons - England are in with a shout.

Whilst watching the match I discover that I've probably gone and put my foot in it again.  I have an amazing talent for misreading how things will be received and then realise too late that how I perceive things is not necessarily how others do.  My intentions were not bad but I did not think it through properly, others confirmed that my way of viewing this was not theirs. I read a FB post from a group I'm in this evening about my star sign (take it or leave it!) that said that I (we) need someone 'that will make (us) think twice about what (we) say.'  Coincidence no doubt, but never a truer word (or phrase) on this occasion.  Can I fix what I have got wrong? Only time will tell.

England beat Germany, in a lively game which was enjoyable to watch and even better when the final whistle blew and England were the deserved winners.

After that we made dinner and ate it while watching another episode of 'Spooks'.  Bed after that, though I couldn't sleep for ages due to my mind playing my earlier poor judgement over and over, whilst trying to work out how to fix things. I am sorry I was so insensitive and feel like an absolute jerk but just want to put things right.  I can see the other point of view, which was not what I was thinking, but now I see it that way, I feel all the worse. 

Wolf Alice / 'How Can I Make It OK?' / 'Blue Weekend'

[Only song I could choose for today]



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