Lockdown Diary - Friday 18th June 2021

Back to work! Today would have been mum's 93rd birthday, on what is seemingly the wettest day of 2021, so far. I don't believe there is any connection between these two facts. It hasn't stopped raining since I got up at 6:15 a.m. and doesn't look like it's going to.

Work will dominate, beginning with the second of this weeks sessions of the leadership training course I am on. One of the outcomes of this course, which may or may not be intended, is that it has been accompanied by a lot of soul-searching, so far.  It certainly is making me think.

I'll be quiet now for a while as I have a lot of things to finish...

Finished work around 5 p.m. today, for a change.  Put all the work stuff away until next Wednesday.

Next thing I know I've started making dinner - a prawn stir fry - with the help of son #3.

For what seems like the umpteenth time I find myself watching football, again. England v. Scotland. Another couple of hours of my life I'll never get back. England were so lacklustre it was less exciting than watching paint dry.

Bed. Sleep. Repeat.

Sinead O'Brien / 'Kid Stuff' / 'Kid Stuff' (Single)



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